Last week I had a photo session with Kristina M. That is the way we agreed to name her on the web.
I met Kristina day before the photo shoot in a local pub (kafic) of her choice. It was a pleasant time spent together while we discussed the next morning shoot, the locations, the styling, the makeup etc.. I met a cheerful young girl seriously interested in what were we planing to do the next day.
The whole thing took place 100km far from my residence and no hired photo studio was in the budget, so I had to plan carefully which equipment should I take with me.
At the "studio" part I used mixed lights, some halogen lights combined with the EX 580 II flash. The background was black and the whole "studio" room had to be darkened with some aluminium foil on the windows. At the end all pieces fited together nicely. On the outside locations near lake Palics only natural light and the EX 580 II was used.
The shoot started with some test shots for me and some test poses from Kristina. Not long after we started I had to admit she had more talent and more experience that I've expected.
Nevertheless the studio shot lasted for couple of hours. The outside shoot was planed to use some late sun to get some warmer tones.
At the moment I have processed only couple of photos from the studio phase, you can see them below. The images are publised on my website and also on the art photography site under nick "rmc". The pictures are nicely valued and commented on the site.
I hope we'll do some more photo seesions in the future with Kristina M.